Policy and Rule Execution
Metric Name(s)
Metric Value
Counter - An only-increasing integer representing the number of results/executions associated with the rule corresponding to a metric sample.
Metric Labels
Label | Allowed Values | Description |
policy_validation_mode | “enforce”, “audit” | PolicyValidationFailure action of the rule’s parent policy |
policy_type | “cluster”, “namespaced” | Kind of the rule’s parent policy. Kind: ClusterPolicy or Kind: Policy |
policy_background_mode | “true”, “false” | Policy’s set background mode |
policy_name | Name of the policy to which the rule belongs | |
policy_namespace | Namespace in which this Policy resides (only for policies with kind: Policy), For ClusterPolicies, this field will be “-” | |
resource_kind | “Pod”, “Deployment”, “StatefulSet”, “ReplicaSet”, etc. | Kind of this resource |
resource_namespace | Namespace in which this resource lies | |
resource_request_operation | “create”, “update”, “delete” | If the requested resource is being created, updated, or deleted. |
rule_name | Name of the rule, in the above policy, which is evaluating in this situation | |
rule_result | “PASS”, “FAIL” | Result of the rule’s execution |
rule_type | “validate”, “mutate”, “generate” | Rule’s behavior type. For rule_execution_cause=“background_scan”, it will always be “validate” as background scans only run validate rules |
rule_execution_cause | “admission_request”, “background_scan” | Identifies whether the rule is executing in response to an admission request or a periodic background scan. In background scans, only validate rules whereas in the case of admission requests, all validate/mutate/generate rules run |
Use cases
- The admin wants to track the count of the incoming resource requests which resulted in PASS status of any cluster policy since the last 24 hrs.
- The cluster admin wants to track the count of all the Deployment objects, which when created, violated a specific cluster policy named
- The cluster admin wants to track the count of all the resources belonging to the default namespace in the last 1 hr which were blocked from being created because those resource requests violated some Kyverno Policy.
- An end user has a dedicated namespace and in it, he/she is creating a big number of Kubernetes resources in one go and wants to track how many of them are violating the existing cluster policies.
Useful Queries
Tracking the total number of rules which failed in the 24 hours in “default” namespace grouped by their rule types (validate, mutate, generate):
sum(increase(kyverno_policy_results_total{policy_namespace="default", rule_result="fail"}[24h])) by (rule_type)
Tracking the per-minute rate of the number of rule executions triggered by incoming Pod requests over the cluster:
rate(kyverno_policy_results_total{resource_kind="Pod", rule_execution_cause="admission_request"}[1m])*60
Tracking the total number of policies over the cluster running as a part of background scans over the last 2 hours:
count(increase(kyverno_policy_results_total{rule_execution_cause="background_scan"}[2h]) by (policy_name))